Metal bookmarks from Prima Marketing feature an acrylic cabochon - excellent for highlighting a small piece of alcohol-inked Yupo.
Yupo (I used white Yupo) is a non-porous surface that works well with Ranger's alcohol inks. These bookmarks make fantastic gifts and sell well at my local artisan market on Saturdays.
Ranger Alcohol Inks used: Rust, Mushroom, Lettuce, Pesto, Turquoise and Denim. I used E-6000 and adhered the cabochon to the inked Yupo. Allow to dry to completely then trim around the cabochon. Adhere to metal bookmark using E-6000 and allow to dry 12-24 hours.
My technique uses small spurts of heat, drying the inks intermittently using Ranger's Heat Tool, which I embellished with alcohol inks years ago.